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I have met some chocolate chip cookies in my day.  I have disliked most of them.  The kind I knew were kinda dark brown, flat, walnut-filled yuck that quite sadly destroyed the image of something so classic, and fantastic–if done right.

THE Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie -- The perfect chocolate chip cookie. Enough said. |

I’m gonna share my secret to perfect cookie with you.  The trick is in the amount of bake-time.  Of course, the base recipe must be right (it took me years to find the right one), but I’ve had grown men stop in their tracks and call these cookies the best they’ve ever had.

THE Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie -- The perfect chocolate chip cookie. Enough said. |

The key is that it needs to be somewhere between done and gooey.  Practice it until you get it right with your oven.

Some more tricks for you…

Room temp butter.  Not margarine or any other fake oil.  Butter.  And not warmed in the microwave.  It’s just not right.  Better cold and beaten by the beater than microwaved.

No hot cookie sheets.  Give it a minute or three to cool before you add the next balls o’ dough.

Quality vanilla.  I use this vanilla and refuse to use any other for my baking.  It’s special.

Cold dough works best.

Let them cool on an oven rack until completely cooled before storing them.  If they are still warm, they will cause condensation and make your cookies soggy yuckiness.

But, personally, I don’t usually store them.  I make enough to eat and share and then save the rest of the dough in the fridge (or freezer) to make quickly the next time I want warm, gooey, chocolatey goodness because fresh cookies are really the best, aren’t they? And this recipe makes a lot of cookies (5 dozen or so) so it goes a long way.

Okay, so with all of that said, I’m going to tell you how to make chocolate chip cookie perfection.

Use a mixer to beat together 3 sticks (1 1/2 c.) room temperature butter

with 1 1/4 c. white sugar

and 1 1/4 c. brown sugar.  Beat until creamed and fluffy.

Add in 1 Tablespoon of vanilla

and 2 large eggs.  Mix well.

In a separate bowl mix the following dry ingredients together:

4 c. all-purpose flour,

2 tsp. baking soda,

 and 1 tsp. salt.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix it well, but don’t beat the life out of the dough.  When it’s all creamed together well, stop and add 24 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips (or chunks or whatever floats your boat).

Drop the dough in rounded balls onto the cookie sheet about 2 inches apart.

Place into a 350 degree preheated oven.

Now, here’s where you have to pay attention.  I recommend 12-15 minutes, but in cookie-land that is a pretty varied length of time.  A lot can happen within those three little minutes.  So please, for the love of chocolate, don’t set the timer, walk away and then pull them out when it goes off.  After 11 minutes, start watching them.  When they JUST begin to look like the edges are done and there’s a BIT of goldenness to the top, pull those guys out and let them cool.  They should look under-done in the middle.  They will sit and firm up for a few minutes and when they have had that chance for at least four minutes or so, move them to a cooling rack.

Or eat them.  But wipe the gooey chocolate off of your chin before you try to convince your family to wait until after dinner.

THE Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie -- The perfect chocolate chip cookie. Enough said. |

The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The perfect chocolate chip cookie. Enough said.
Recipe type: Cookies
Cuisine: american
Serves: 5 dozen
Grocery List
  • 1½ c. butter
  • 1¼ c. white sugar
  • 1¼ c. brown sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla
  • 2 large eggs
  • 4 c. flour
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 24 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
Here's how...
  1. Blend butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until light and fluffy.
  2. Add in vanilla and eggs. Mix well.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well.
  5. Stir chocolate chips in.
  6. Add dough by rounded Tablespoonfuls onto a cookie sheet about 2 inches apart.
  7. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for approximately 12-15 min. JUST until the edges are done and there is a BIT of golden color to the top. They should still look underdone in the middle.
  8. Let them cool for a few minutes and then move to wire racks to cool.

Based on the recipe Extraordinary Chocolate Chip Cookies from Betty Crocker

THE Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie -- The perfect chocolate chip cookie. Enough said. |

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  1. […] you just need a new perfect cookie.  As deliciously perfect as The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies are there are moments where you need a different perfect […]

  2. ann says:

    Are these soft, crispy or both?

    • alison says:

      Hi, Ann! These cookies have just barely crisp edges and super gooey middles. I would say mostly soft, overall. And delicious. They are completely delicious. :o)

  3. do you use light or dark brown sugar?

  4. ann says:

    Do these cookies come out soft or crispy? I also noticed your cookies are not flat. How do I avoid that?

    • alison says:

      Hello, Ann! I would say these are soft and chewy. Definitely not crispy. They are so full of chocolate chips and they are taken out of the oven before they can get crispy. :o) I tried to include all of my best tips in the post to make them turn out just right. Butter temp, oven temp, dough temp all contribute. A good baking sheet helps. I hope that you try them and love them! Merry Christmas!

  5. Tracy says:

    Baking soda or baking powder? The instructions say soda, the shopping list says powder.

  6. […] The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie isn’t cutting it for you anymore, huh?  You’ve made it too many times, and now you […]

  7. primavera says:

    ok I did these last night and they are unbelievable! mom loved them and she is my biggest critique. husband took to work and everyone loved them he told me they were all ready gone! so thank you! :))) one question though, is there any way to reduce the amount of butter and still come out and taste as good? only curious its just alot but ok if not as I understand its a big batch. if not ok still perfect. thank you again!

    • alisonsblogs says:

      YAYYYY!!!! I’m so happy that you like them! You’re so very welcome!
      Since it is such a HUGE batch of cookies (as I’m sure you realized) you will not want to cut the butter down. It will definitely change the consistency that makes them, well, perfect. :o)
      Most recipes call for less, but if you’ll notice, they also call for less of everything else. This just has a big yield; hence, the huge amount of butter.
      But, I’m a big believer in butter and it actually is your friend, so try not to let it scare you off.
      Thanks again, for taking the time to try one of my recipes, and happy baking!

  8. primavera says:

    I’ve been searching for the perfect simple chocolate chip cookie recipe (with ingredients that i actually have) for over an hour and finally found this! I hope to get these right and turn out perfectly, thank you!

    • alisonsblogs says:

      I’m excited to hear how you like them! Thanks for interest and comment!
      Just curious, in all your searching, where was it that you found me and my blog?

      • primavera says:

        Hi again! I think I may have just googled it or searched on Pinterest as “Best” or “Perfect Chocolate Chip recipe” Thank you again! They are perfect 🙂

  9. pam says:

    Yes, for sure. These are the world’s best!


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