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If you could choose one other time period in which to spend a week, to which would you go?

It is not too big of a secret at my house that I’m pretty sure I am kindred spirits with Laura Ingalls Wilder. It’s not a secret at all, in fact. I’ve dragged invited my family to share in days of absolute suffering for the ones you love JOY as we toured places she lived with her family. I own the whole set of DVD’s and have watched them MANY times, and I have all of the books from my childhood as well as many more books about her and her life. It’s probably why I like to can and cook from scratch and use cast iron. :o)

There’s just something about the willingness to pack your family and belongings in a space this big…

because you’re passionate about your dream of a better and wilder life, that sings to me. Oh for heaven’s sake — I just realized that we did that, didn’t we? We have that same adventurous spirit! Except we have a Big House in (practically) the Arctic. Not sure that title has the same ring to it. Hahaha. Maybe that should be the title of my book someday. Hmmmm…not sure 3 of these full of my family’s belongings is quite the same as a covered wagon.

Maybe our journey in this covered wagon was more similar. I mean, all the breakdowns were just like when Pa’s spokes broke!

And ironically, Pa left the Big Woods in Wisconsin to travel farther West to find land that wasn’t already used up. He referred to the land north of the big woods as the land where a man could get lost and no one would ever find him. He was referring to what is now the Upper Peninsula. :o)

Anyhow, if you ever have a chance to go to DeSmet, South Dakota, GO! You can camp overnight in a COVERED WAGON! You can go inside the actual schoolhouse Laura attended and you can visit the land where her family settled in the book, The Long Winter. Many re-creations and actual historical pieces are there. It changed me. I’m not gonna say I cried and made the docent cry because we love the whole things so much. That would be ridiculous. Let’s just say he loved me because I’m a super-fan of the realest kind.

In Laura’s house where she would’ve touched this actual doorway (just like I was). Me standing on the actual board from the school where Laura and Carrie attended in their very town. And of course, me ringing the school bell – quite sadly. :o)

And then on a business trip, my sweet man brought me to the Little House on the Prairie site in Kansas where the family lived when they left Wisconsin. Pa dug this actual well!!! The day we went, it was closed, but I quite thoroughly enjoyed myself. Maybe you can tell.

Please, tell me all about your longings to explore a time from yesteryear! I want to hear all about it!

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  1. Jessica C. says:

    I understand this kindred feeling completely! I devoured the books when I was a little girl and got lost in a world of wonder as the hours slipped past unknowingly and I would look up startled to find myself not in the prairie, but in my tiny, little home in what felt like the boring old Keweenaw. Little did I know that when I became an adult I would pursue a lifestyle that mimics the Ingall’s lifestyle in some ways as well and it would be in just as rugged a terrain as they spoke of (but with modern conveniences, because well- I need my sanity). We sure live in a neat place up here in the Upper Peninsula. And us Yoopers do a lot of neat things! It’s a lot of fun learning about your excitement and passion for the Ingall’s family saga as well. I hope you plan to share it with your grandbabies! There is even a homeschool type of book for it called The Prairie Primer that guides you along the books with all kinds of activities to do at home to mimic their lifestyle!

    • alison says:

      Yes!!!! You get it! I love that! I have big plans to sleep in that covered wagon with my grands, for sure!! I do know about the Prairie Primer! We did the American Girls one with Kyrsten and maybe Addie when we homeschooled and I LOVED it! Such fun things to bring back into the now. There is so much wisdom and knowledge available from days gone by.


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