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We have some very unique things about where we live. One of them is deer season. You may think I’m referring to the beautiful time I’ve already shared about where we freeze our bippies for weeks on end perched high up in trees to harvest the most organic meat possible.


This time of year, when the snow finally decides to vacate the land in the most gradual of processes that ever happened in the history of ever, our sweet deer descend into our cedar groves by the gazillions. It usually begins around the end of March. The tender little grasses poke out here and there, usually alongside the roads and draw them in. They leave their winter feeding grounds and also the designated feeding areas that help manage the Yoop’s deer population in an attempt to give them a bit of a leg up to survive the massive snowfall. They come out to the roads, the cars hit the deer, and then the massive ravens and bald and golden eagles come help as the clean-up crew. Quite a scene.

I wish I could describe to you what it is like on our two-lane highway and in our yards in April. One day within a five mile stretch, we counted over 250 deer!!! They are everywhere (CLICK HERE to see a few neat ones near our homes). And this continues until they all find where they will spend their summers, I suppose. Perhaps they, too have second residences in the Upper Peninsula. Good thing the order got lifted so they can now travel there. I was going to attempt to not reference anything to do with our current STATE of affairs, but what can ya do? Gotta laugh about it! :o)

We usually take a bit of a trip up the Keweenaw Peninsula to Eagle River each Spring to see these cuties up close and personal and enjoy seeing them at the winter feeding grounds. This year we did that with our sweet grandbabies before the lock-down began. CLICK HERE for a short video of that cuteness. I wish you could see the thousands of deer that extend back as far as the eye can see into the woods and beyond as well as into the yards of the entire little village. Quite a sight!

Early in the season they were more prevalent at dusk and in the morning. Driving after dark is just like waiting for a hit. Crazy scary.

This time of year, a deer could somehow, miraculously, jump out of a ditch behind you and hit you while you are driving 55 mph down the highway and none of you in the car saw ANYTHING until pieces of car and deer fly around in the air and your car is totaled.

And you are somehow unhurt and able to pull off the road, and the dash cam caught it all to prove there was nothing you could have done, and once you stop shaking and deal with all the details you realize that stupid lock-down and politics and differing opinions and boredom and cooking for lots of people you love just aren’t too terrible of hardships when lives were at stake and protected.


Sometimes it hits you like a giant buck attacking your favorite car you’ve ever had, and just about smacks you in the face so you can remember what really matters.

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  1. Deb says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry this happened! Were you sore from it? Hope you’re ok, friend.

    • alison says:

      Thank you for your sweet concern, friend. We were 100% protected from every little thing. Kyrsten was in the car with me, and neither of us felt even the tiniest bit sore! Pretty remarkable! God is so good.

  2. Deborah Falkowski says:

    Oh honey, is that your new car? T hank you Lord, that your ok.❤

    • alison says:

      Yes, it sure was. Sad, right? Loved that little thing. Time to get a bigger, Yooper car. :o) It’s okay; it’s just a car. Thank you for caring. <3

  3. Jody says:

    The deer drive my mom nuts at her home in a small town in the U.P. They walk right down the road and right into her yard to eat all her beautiful flowers and plants that are supposedly deer proof. But yes, put in perspective, it’s one of life’s little annoyances. Glad you’re ok!


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